
Hurling Coach


The app will help experienced or in-experienced coaches of Gaelic games to teach them how to train kids the fundamentals of hurling and football. It will allow them choose from different skills, drills and will include a session planner. In my project, I concentrated on the skills and drills sections. It will also give hints and tips on some of the common errors and what to look out for. This will focus the trainer and allow him to be more clinical and analytic when coaching the underage kids. It will be a dynamic app, which will allow the user to pick certain skills and choosing a difficulty level of the drills. The trainer will be given recommended times of each drill. The app will rely on rich multimedia content to give the trainer the best opportunity to learn and pass the knowledge on to the kids they are training.


I talked to various underage and adult coaches to gauge their reaction. They put me onto the numerous coaching resources on the Cork GAA website. I decided to use these in my app as they would be specific to elements I wanted to include in the app. I used Clayton Wrights Criteria for Evaluating E-learning to evaluate my concept before I had started any development. This gave me a great insight in what I needed to include in the piece to make it successful. Organizing the content logically and making use of ‘chunking’ would help me develop a more rounded piece. Keeping layout consistent throughout as well having guidelines accessible at any time would make it easier for the user.